I know this isn't a fix all, but it's something.
Of course this will only work for files that you plan on keeping put on your desktop and isn't a great solution if your shuffling stuff around a lot, but for me, the files in the screen shot I included are ones that I use frequently and are going to stay there. NerdTool can be a little daunting if you don't know the command line, but for this circumstance you don't actually touch terminal. Then I took a screen shot of a part of my screen that was black, imported that into NerdTool, and stretched and positioned it to be under the letters to make those pop out. I used NerdTool to put the image on the wallpaper and set the size to what I wanted (took some finagling). In this case, I took a frame (ie I googled 3D frame and downloaded an image that looked like it might look ok). However, you can use third-party software mentioned in the previous link to do so.I've run into that too and ended up using an app called NerdTool to create semi-permanent bars behind my logos (also helped with the icons that I had changed that were partially transparent and completely disappeared against dark backgrounds. In older versions like Windows 7, the Control Panel included. Please refer to the following link for more information: On Windows 10, you can change the default system font, but you now have to make changes to the Registry to complete this task. There is no settings to change desktop font colors in windows 10. If it works, please tell the RGB of the orange. Some people said that turning theīackground solid colour to orange changes it to black, but didn't work for me.

There is a kind of black shadow behind it, but still very difficult to read. My desktop background is white and the desktop text is also white.

I have been facing a problem in my Windows 10 laptop. How do I change the font colour of the text below the desktop icons in Windows 10?